You Have to Earn God

December, 2022 Barak Lurie

Today I want to talk to you about the value of earning. We all seem to appreciate how great it feels to earn anything. For example, maybe you worked really hard and now you have tens of thousands of dollars...

God and TRUE Science

June, 2022 Barak Lurie

Today, a topic that is so fascinating: Science and God. You hear this all the time. There are two different hands: Here one that believes in God and the other one that believes only in science and they just don’t...

Godlessness Destroys Courage

February, 2022 Barak Lurie

Hi folks, Barak Lurie again talking about ATHEISM DESTROYS and yet another segment of the book – how godlessness destroys courage. In this book, ATHEISM DESTROYS, I go over 2020 as the “Year of Fear”. How COVID, and our reaction...

The Mafia, Drug Cartels, & Psychopaths

February, 2022 Barak Lurie

One of the chapters in ATHEISM DESTROYS that I find most elucidating, and actually informed me quite a bit, is the connection between godlessness on the one hand and mass murderers, serial killers, drug cartels, sex trafficking, and the mafia....

Atheism and the Death of the Relationship

January, 2022 Barak Lurie

Today, I want to talk about another chapter in Atheism Destroys, our new book. It’s about relationships: How we take relationships for granted and more importantly – do relationships mean anything at all without God? Before we get into this,...

Atheism Destroys series: An Introduction

December, 2021 Barak Lurie

Folks, I’m very excited to announce the publication of Atheism Destroys. And I’m excited because I want to show how important God is in our civilization. Indeed, in Atheism Destroys, I show how without God, we have no civilization. It’s...

Atheism is a Drug

November, 2021 Barak Lurie

One of the things that you may have noticed about my passion against atheism is because of its destructive nature. But another way to look at atheism is to understand that it’s more like a drug. A drug that numbs...